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Join our Smash roster at the Battle of BC

Join our Smash roster at the Battle of BC




1500 USDC


1 winner



Round ended


Voting started


Round started


Round Started

Voting Started

Round Ended





(Paladin) I want to see if my practice is paying off!

(Paladin) I want to see if my practice is paying off!

hello i am spark.

hello i am spark. i am now an unsponsored gamer which means the vibes are off. send help. begging u lowkey. i understand that i have had many opportunities in my day and that there are many other wonderful gamers who are likely more deserving of this opportunity, but i would still like to throw my hat in the ring. please forgive my gluttony in this regard. thank u.


Get Wizzy to BOBC

Get Wizzy to BOBC

Wintersalamander for BoBc cuz I want to experience my first major while explorin

I got kicked out of my house, so I am currently backpacking through America, but getting to see Canada would be really cool too. I have lost track of how long I've been watching pro melee but at least by 2016 I was. I have played at regionals in the past, but I've gotten a lot better at melee since I last competed. It would be cool to see how I fare at a major, and getting to watch top level sets in person would be crazy. I mainly play fox but have a secondary marth as well.


Slippi Part Timer Hits the Main Stage

upon stumbling back into Smash Bros Melee back in 2014, the game has been a constant in my life. In 2020, there was the release of the rollback net code client, Slippi, which as allowed me to hone my skillset to a formidable level. Having logged in over 30,000 matches over 3 years, I’ve had the wonderful experience of making many friends and testing my skill against high level competition



donkey kong wants to go to canada. if you vote for me and i get in, ill make a couple great youtube vids out of the experience!One video aims to be a spiritual successor to the "Slime on the Scene" series. I have had this drafted up for a while and have a couple bits planned for players that are all confirmed to be at BoBC! Another will be a general vlog of my time at the major as well. I thought it would be really exciting to try to catch every close off stream set and document the ground floor

Get VOx to BoBC!!

Im VOx, a puff player from upstate new york. Ive never ben to a major, and its a goal of mine for a while. if you want to see this mediocre puff at bobc you should vote for me

jaye 4 bobc

i go 0-2 at my dallas local because i dont l-cancel but u never know i could make a run………..i studied swagonomics at the school of hard knox and graduated magna cum laude so nouns hit my line..

give salami money

give salami money

Vote for CJ

Been playing melee for 20 years and I’m seasoned…but I almost exclusively play for the clips. Trying to go to BOBC5 without tapping in to my 401k. You probably won’t vote in the actual election, but I hope you still vote for me here. Love you all.